Tuesday, April 10, 2012

And so it begins...

My sister suggested that I give blogging a try as an outlet to my stress and emotions. I'm still not sure about the whole idea, but since the stress isn't going anywhere I may as well give this a try. ;)
So, I will get into more detail soon, but here's my life and my reasons for needed a stess/emotional outlet. My college sweetheart, Chris, and I have been married for 12 years, and we have two amazing kids, who I will call W and Peanut to protect their identity. When Chris and I started dating, one of the first things I learned about him was that he had type 1 diabetes (T1D). I was a pre-med student at the time, so I had some basic knowledge of the mechanics of the disease. I knew he was my soulmate very early on, so his diabetes was just something that I accepted as part of loving him. He managed everything himself, and I slowly tried to learn, but for the most part he just did it all.
Things changed the day that our son, W, was also diagnosed with T1D. I will spend another day blogging about that particular moment, but it has forever changed my relationship with my husband, my son, and with diabetes.
My poor family seems to have a lot of medical issues, and they cause most of my stress. I am naturally a worrier, but the medical drama just compounds it all. This blog is intended to be theraputic for me to work through this drama and accept the drama that keeps finding us.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it just feels good to let things out. I like being able to go back, weeks or months later and reading things. It helps give me insight. <3
